How far ahead should I book my transportation?

Our clients can book trips online 24 hours ahead of time. For any trip less than 24 hours, clients should call our office directly to see about our availability. For specific travel times, please note that advance reservations are strongly encouraged, as our fleet is often booked several days ahead of time.

Should first-time clients call and schedule?

Yes. It is preferred that first-time clients call in and speak with a member of our team. Our office staff works from Monday through Friday from 9:00 am until 5:00 pm.

When are patient transportation services available?

We understand that services may be needed – after “normal business hours” – and we know you need a medical transport service that is available when you need it. We will do our best to accommodate your needs, with our driver’s availability.

Will the driver escort me inside?

Yes. Our drivers will help you with any of your needs if you do not have a friend or family to ride with you. Remember that a friend or family member is allowed to ride with you at NO CHARGE.

Will the driver stay at the appointment?

Depending on the time, duration, and location of your appointment, your driver might stay or take another client to an appointment. If you need to have your driver stay, we can do that. There will be an additional “Waiting Fee” applied.

Can I bring large personal items on the transport?

We will do our best to accommodate your needs. Our main concern is to safely and securely transport you to your appointment. For the safety of everyone in the vehicle, we cannot have unsecured items.

Do you provide after-hours and weekend transportation?

Yes. We will be happy to schedule your after-hours and weekend transportation. Please remember that this is for NON-EMERGENCY appointments and if you are in need of emergency services, please dial 9-1-1.

Can a family member or caretaker ride with me to my appointment?

DEFINITELY! We allow one family member, Caregiver or friend to ride along for free. One additional adult can ride along for $25.00.

What if I have to make changes or cancel my appointment?

We understand that plans change and we will do our best to accommodate your transportation needs. Please let us know as far in advance as possible. For 24 hours or more notice, there is no charge to change or cancel a trip. We have a $25 charge for cancellations without 24-hour notice. We don’t charge for changes; however, due to a moving schedule, we may not be able to accommodate your changes. Every attempt is made to work with customers for changes. For cancellations with less than 2-hour notice or if we send a driver and no one shows up (no show), we will charge a no-show fee of half the trip cost if it is a round-trip and the full cost if it is a one-way trip.